Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not Patchwriting/Issue Paper Struggles

The meaning of the word 'myth' has changed and adapted throughout time based on people and circumstances. What used to be something of cultural importance is now used to reject another idea that seems to be invalid based on other ideals (Bacchilega 25). 

The hardest part in the writing process for me is making sure that my ideas make sense in the order of my paper. Having a strong appeal to logos is a lot more difficult than I anticipated. Also, in some spots in my paper it feels like I am getting repetitive with my ideas, which could become a problem.


  1. So when organization gets to you, just cut up your paper with some scissors and rearrange until it makes sense. As far as repetition goes maybe you could broaden your topic or deepen your research.

  2. I had that problem as well! I had to think, write, reorganize, write again, reorganize again, and again just to find out the next day that i reorganized it, cut it, and wrote over it again... I guess thats the game of writing :/

  3. Man, I just realized that I totally forgot to add the in-text citation on my blog post... fail! But I thought your paper was pretty good when I got to read through it, I agree that too much repetition is bad, but sometimes using just enough can help clarify ideas and stances, especially if the language gets changed up.
