Friday, March 2, 2012

Issues Paper Proposal

Initial Stance: Reality television promotes degrading morals and behavior to young-adult audiences.
I decided to choose this topic because I think it is very kairotic and it is an interesting topic to discuss with others.  It's not what the topic that I was going to choose originally, but the more I thought about it, the more I decided that I could probably write a research paper about it. I think that as I focus and really narrow in on my topic that it will be easier to find reliable information about the topic.

Some questions that I hope to answer with this topic are:
What kind of values does Reality TV appeal to?
How does the behavior that Reality TV portrays effect the young adult/teenage audiences that tune in to watch?

I am not completely sold on this topic because my feelings are kind of mixed about the whole issue. I think that some so-called "Reality TV" programs serve a good purpose and have good messages to send to viewers (eg. Extreme Home Makeover). On the other hand, some Reality TV shows (eg. Jersey Shore and other MTV shows) are extremely degrading and promote bad morals and ethics to those who watch. I will just have to be specific enough that I can be persuasive to the audience.


  1. I like your topic choice a lot; I think it is very kairotic. I am excited to read your paper!

  2. Yes, I agree that you will have to be specific about the type of reality TV shows you are arguing against. Reality TV presents a specific story as true--but in reality, most of it is scripted, right? So looking at the specific audience will be a good idea, because while most adults understand that everything on reality TV is, to some extent, fictitious, young adults or adolescents might think of it as 100% true, reality. Whether or not they do, though, it is still harmful because it glorifies erroneous behavior.

    Anyway, this will be an interesting topic. Make sure as you research that you narrow as much as possible. Good luck!
