Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love Letter from Ken to Barbie- Biblical/Book of Mormon Style

Dearest Barbie,
My love, when shall I see thy beautiful face? Behold, I, Ken, know that thou art the most beautiful girl in all the land. Thy gorgeous golden hair dost shine and blow in the wind as thou dost drive thy pink corvette around these lands. Thou art so fashionable and all that art around thee notice thy sense of style. Thou art an example to those around you and thou art so talented in many different ways. And now, I speak concerning things which I have said before which is that I know that our love is strong and mighty. And now is not our love so powerful that it can overcome all of the foes that we must face? Behold, I say unto you, yea, it is. Our love shall triumph all the foes. I will loveth thee forever.

Until we meet again,

Your love and heart's true desire,


1 comment:

  1. Ha--this one is great. Phrases like "And now, I speak concerning things.." and "behold, I say unto you" are the most indicative of scriptural style. It could be written by Nephi himself :)
