Wednesday, February 29, 2012

20 Interests

1. Effect of cell phones on the way we communicate
2. College Athletics
3. Product placement in movies
4. Childhood obesity
5. Regulation of school lunches
6. Genetically modified foods
7.Music-sharing programs on the internet
8. Facebook
9. Fast food
10. Fluoride in city water
11. Vaccines
12. Decline of newspapers
13. Standardized testing
14. Rating system on television programs
15. Cyberbullying
16. Nutrition
17. Exercise in schools
18. Steroids and professional sports
19. Modern music
20. Animal rights

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Peer Review/Movies

1. I will revise my introduction paragraph so I introduce the author and the audience earlier in my paper.
2. I need to condense some sentences or combine them in order to make my paper flow better.
3. I will fix my conclusion so that it doesn't start with "in conclusion." :)

I have a lot of favorite movies, but if I had to pick five they would be:
1. Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
2. Pride & Prejudice
3. Elf
4. Ever After
5. Dan in Real Life

Love Letter from Ken to Barbie- Biblical/Book of Mormon Style

Dearest Barbie,
My love, when shall I see thy beautiful face? Behold, I, Ken, know that thou art the most beautiful girl in all the land. Thy gorgeous golden hair dost shine and blow in the wind as thou dost drive thy pink corvette around these lands. Thou art so fashionable and all that art around thee notice thy sense of style. Thou art an example to those around you and thou art so talented in many different ways. And now, I speak concerning things which I have said before which is that I know that our love is strong and mighty. And now is not our love so powerful that it can overcome all of the foes that we must face? Behold, I say unto you, yea, it is. Our love shall triumph all the foes. I will loveth thee forever.

Until we meet again,

Your love and heart's true desire,


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Similes

1. His resolve was like a lollipop, it was sticky and broke under pressure.
2. Their love was like snow on a summer day, confusing and unreal.
3. Her eyes were as green as a tomato before it's ripe.
4. His heart was as full as his stomach after eating dinner at Chuck-A-Rama.
5. He misses her like a balding man misses his hair.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Transgression Letters

Dear Judge,
I am terribly upset to admit this, but today I just received my fourth speeding ticket of the month and my license was revoked. I understand the reasoning behind my first tickets, but the one I received today seems a bit extreme. I was simply going 2 miles over the speed limit (which was 35 mph) while trying to keep up with the flow of traffic. Cars kept passing me while I was going the actual speed limit, so I decided to speed up so I wouldn't be a hazard to those around me. At the time, I believed that my actions were justified. But right as I sped up a little, an officer decided to pull me over and give me a ticket. I would very much appreciate it if you could reconsider the penalty for this action. I appreciated all of your honorable efforts to uphold the law. Thank you for your time.
Avarie Skinner

Hi Mom! I hope that you are having a wonderful day! So, I kind of have a funny story for you. You might not laugh right away, but I promise that eventually you will think that this story is quite hilarious. So today I was driving back from work, just like I always do on Tuesdays and I was going to speed limit (just like I always do, well, usually). Then I realized, in the middle of singing along to my favorite song, that all these cars were passing me. I couldn't very well be one of those cars that everyone rolls their eyes at and then passes in a mad huff, so I decided just to speed up a bit so I could go with the flow of traffic. After my slight acceleration, a police officer pulled me over and gave me a ticket. Oh, and since this is my fourth ticket this month they took away my license as well. But don't worry! I have it all taken care of. I have written a letter to the judge to convince him to let me off. It will be fine. You're the greatest, Mom! I miss you!

Hey guys,
So, it looks like I won't be able to drive the carpool anymore. At least not for awhile. You see, I got a ticket today and apparently it was one too many because they took my license away. It was totally uncalled for too. I was literally going two miles over the speed limit of 35 (which should really be 50) . I don't understand why he pulled me and my little Honda civic over when there was a new, red Ferrari that sped past at lightening speed. It's just my luck I guess. I'm sorry that I have to bail on you this week, but it should be all taken care of by next week. I sent a letter to the judge, so we'll see what happens with that. Thanks for understanding.
Your pal,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Found Poem

This is from a recipe for chicken wings that I found in my slow cooker cookbook. Here it is:

Brown wings
            in oil
                        in the
or brush wings
so they do not
Combine remaining
in 5-6 1/2-quart
                                    slow cooker.
                        Wings. Stir
so that they are all
                        well covered
                                                            Cook on
Low 4-6
or until


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Critical Reading Questions

"Dear Students: Don't Let College Unplug Your Future" By Gideon Burton
1. In this article, the author's intent is to convince his audience that college is behind the times when it comes to using new media effectively and that the structure  He also wants to convince his audience that they will never be prepared for the the "real world"  after graduation if they don't start taking full advantage of what new media has to offer. He also suggests that using and taking advantage of new media will be worth far more than a college diploma ever will.

2. This author definitely uses ethos to establish credibility in his writing. He mentions that he is a college professor and this is an argument that professors don't usually make when addressing students. He also does a great job of using imagery and humor to appeal to his audience. For instance, "<image of university magazine with supercomputer and smiley nerd>".  I think that imagery and humor were very effective rhetorical tools to use considering that his audience is a bunch of college students. Also, I don't know if this is a rhetorical tool or not but I noticed that he capitalizes a lot of phrases and words for emphasis throughout the article.

3. I think that this article was effective, to a point. It definitely made me want to go out there and use more of the resources that new media and technology have to offer. However, I wasn't completely convinced that my use of Facebook or blogging would someday be more valuable than a diploma. That seems like a stretch. I agree with the fact that colleges should do a better job of incorporating such media into their curriculum, but I wouldn't go as far as to criticize the very academic structure of a university.