Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Blogging Blog Post

Yes! I really enjoyed using a blog in this class to do assignments. This is my first experience with blogging and I wasn't so sure about it at first, but I really learned to enjoy it throughout the semester. In fact, I am even considering making my own personal blog after this semester is over. Crazy, I know. I enjoyed posting assignments on the blog because it seemed more convenient than turning in a written assignment and it was cool to see what everyone else had to say in their posts.

I really enjoyed reading what my classmates had to say on their blogs. It was nice to get a feel of the different ideas that everyone had on different issues that they had encountered with the different papers that we wrote throughout the semester. So in that way, blogging was very beneficial. I also feel like it helped me get to know everyone in the class a little better and it helped me see that everyone has a unique voice and style that comes across in their writing. So, overall I really enjoyed using a blog for this class and I honestly am going to miss writing these little blog posts each week. Here's to you, little writing blog! 

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